Securelee Vault

Securelee Vault

A CLI tool for effortless and secure storage, management, and retrieval of sensitive secrets and cryptographic keys.

Securelee-cli: Pangea Hashnode hackathon

🚀 Team Details :


"Empower Your Data Security with Securelee Vault CLI"

In a digital landscape brimming with sensitive data, managing and safeguarding crucial secrets and cryptographic keys is more crucial than ever. Enter Securelee Vault, a robust CLI tool meticulously crafted using Golang and Pangea services. It's designed to simplify, secure, and streamline the storage, management, and retrieval of sensitive data. Securelee Vault offers an arsenal of commands, empowering users to safeguard their secrets with ease and confidence.


The genesis of Securelee Vault sprang from the dire need to provide a seamless and secure solution for storing and managing cryptographic keys and secret messages. It's the brainchild of a team driven by a vision to create a tool that doesn't just store data but ensures fortified security and effortless user interaction. The mission was to empower users with a versatile, accessible, and secure vault for their most sensitive information.

🛠Challenges faced

While developing Securelee Vault, several challenges were encountered and overcome to ensure a smooth and reliable experience for users. The main hurdle was encountered in integrating the domain "". Glitches in the domain registry affected the seamless OAuth implementation through users' browsers. Despite this setback, Securelee successfully implemented OAuth authentication provided by Pangea, ensuring a secure authentication process for users. Additionally, enabling email and password authentication via the terminal gave users the flexibility to choose their preferred authentication method.

Another notable challenge was exploring and working with Terminal User Interfaces (TUIs). Discovering the significance of TUIs in enhancing user experience was enlightening. Securelee delved into various TUI libraries, striving to provide an intuitive and efficient interface for users navigating through the tool's functionalities.

💻Tech Stack

  • Golang - The CLI is completely written in Golang using the Cobra-cli framework

  • Pangea


Securelee Vault is built on the solid foundation of Golang and fortified with the robust capabilities of Pangea services. Its commands encompass a spectrum of functionalities: from creating and storing secret messages or keys to retrieving, updating, and deleting them. A comprehensive lineup including "login" and "logout" functions ensures secure access control, empowering users to manage their data the way they prefer.

> Securelee-cli
  ____                                        _
 / ___|    ___    ___   _   _   _ __    ___  | |   ___    ___     
 \___ \   / _ \  / __| | | | | | '__|  / _ \ | |  / _ \  / _ \    
  ___) | |  __/ | (__  | |_| | | |    |  __/ | | |  __/ |  __/  _ 
 |____/   \___|  \___|  \__,_| |_|     \___| |_|  \___|  \___| (_)

 > v1.1.7
> Securelee-cli -h
A CLI based Vault App for storing your Secret Messages or Keys Securely.

  Securelee-cli [flags]
  Securelee-cli [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create      Create and Store a Secret Message or Key.
  delete      Delete a Secret Message or Key.
  get         Get a Particular Secret or Key.
  help        Help about any command
  list        Get all Secret Messages or Keys.
  login       Login to Securelee Vault.
  logout      Logout of Securelee Vault.
  update      Update or Modify a Secret Message or Key.
  version     Version of the Securelee CLI.
  whoami      The Current User of Securelee Vault.

  -h, --help      help for Securelee-cli
  -t, --toggle    Help message for toggle
  -v, --version   version for Securelee-cli

Use "Securelee-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

This versatile CLI tool redefines user authentication with two options. The first leverages a seamless browser-based login, ideal for social logins, and the second provides email and password authentication directly through the terminal. The hallmark of Securelee Vault is its stellar error handling, enhancing the user experience with concise and actionable error messages.

> Securelee-cli login

Demo Login Credentials:

  • Email: ""

  • Password: "Securelee@123"

  • First Name: "Demo"

  • Last Name: "User"

For Demo Account login using these Credentials through the Browser i.e. Option 1.

Use the demo account for Securelee-cli create , Securelee-cli update , Securelee-cli delete .

Also, try other commands using the demo account.

With Securelee Vault, data security isn't a challenge—it's a seamless, user-friendly experience, empowering users to wield control over their sensitive data with confidence and ease.

🔗Public Code Repository

GitHub: Securelee-cli (The Installation Guide and other documentation are added on GitHub. Do check it out.)